Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I can bite you...

because I grew a tooth! Hang on, my mom wants to say something.

Hi, this is Sara, aka, mom. It was amazing. I was at the store and when I got home, Ian had discovered a tooth! A tooth! A real tooth! You know who has Not little tiny babies, KIDS!

We got out new born baby pictures and reminisced last night. Henry is napping right now, good thing Ian came home for lunch and put him to sleep. He won't sleep for me these days. Which is pretty inconvenient since I am here all day and all night, every day and every night. (I know, put him in the crib, let him figure it out. I just haven't quite wrapped my brain around that yet).

So happy St. Patricks day everyone. Thank you, Kim for the very cute 'Kiss Me' onesie. He wore it all day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Did you forget about me?

Well hello again. I thought I would show you this great picture of me posing like Winnie the Pooh (look closely at my blanket.) Does this make me a poser?

Okay, so I'm 3 months old now!!! What have I been up to? Well, I went to Mount Haven, and Bellingham. Two beautiful places that I hope to see more of.

I have some new tricks too. I can roll over and do push ups. I went swimming. I smile a lot. I talk a lot. Some of my tricks upset my parents though. I still spit up and I do like to poop in the bathtub.

I am changing so much all the time. I am getting bigger and stronger everyday. I'm glad I had a chance to share a little of what I've been up to and I hope you see how cute I am and come visit me in Raymond. Love, Henry

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm one!

...month that is. Today I am one month old. How is that even possible? My Dad says it's not. He pointed out I am 4 weeks old...not one month and we'll have to wait until the 27th to celebrate my one monthiversary. I say great, more reasons to celebrate.

My new favorite thing is my OTSBH. "What on earth is that?" you ask. Well, I'll tell you. It's the over the shoulder baby holder. I'm sitting in it right now. Although my mom has only barely figured out one of the two positions for my age. I overheard her say it was like trying to do origami with angry wet noodles on her first attempts to put me in it. It comes with an instructional DVD, but baby Tess is asleep in the video and I was in a full tilt spastic attack. Plus the lady in the video invented it and clearly knew how to use it, on the other hand, my mom almost strangles herself with the nursing cover she uses (her fault, not the cover.) I wonder where I get my spastic side?

Well, my mom wanted to celebrate this day by stripping me down and taking my picture. Dad was the camera man, mom was the baby wrangler, and I cried and then peed on her when she was holding me and there was precious little she could do about it!

I will tell you that I calmed down yesterday afternoon and cooed at my dad who was dangling toys in front of me. Also, this morning I looked right at my mom and smiled. I've been doing it in my sleep a lot and I think I did it yesterday at my mom, but today was a pretty definite intentional smile. Oh, this is a picture of when I peed on my mom!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I've arrived!

Well, I'm out. I was born about 2 weeks ago and I'm ready to announce, "I'm a boy." My parents named me William Henry, making me the 5th consecutive William on my dad's side. My parents are calling me Henry (most of the time.) When I'm fussy, they call me Cranky Hanky, but most of the time, I'm Happy Henry. I love what a lot of babies love....eating, sleeping, pooping, peeing (on my dad), and repeating. I'm pretty good at it all too. My parents are confused by my longing to become a world's champion distance spit upper, but that's my goal and I'm sticking to it.

I had my 3 day check up after leaving the hospital and on Aug. 4th, I weighed 9lbs. 30z. Then my parents took me to Home Depot. I've been checking out our house these last 2 weeks and it looks like we are going to spend more time in Home Depot in the future.

My favorite things: being held, rocking, eating, looking into people's faces, my swing, and even though my dad makes faces, I like it when my mom sings to me.

I'll leave you with a photo of me at exactly one week old with my new family.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mackenzie Turns 1

Family gathered at Thomas and Kim's home to celebrate Mackenzie's first birthday on Sat. June 1st. Mackenzie was soooooo sleepy when she was eating her birthday cake, she actually nods off.

I have to tell you since I'm still unborn, I couldn't shoot this video myself and had my mom, Sara, do it for me. Well, it's a pretty poor video, mainly because she was laughing too hard and shaking the camera. I will take credit for video editing and uploading everything onto the website. I'm better at it than my mom. You may be wondering how I can have a blog and upload videos and pictures, but I'm unable to shoot the video myself. And to that I say, pregnancy is full of mysteries, that's just one of them.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pictures of Athena 10 days old

The family met at Grandma and Grandpa's home to visit with Mike and for a baby viewing. We had a wonderful time. Here are a few of the pictures from the day.

He just couldn't help himself!

Great Grandma Fiedler with Athena

Her cute little sleepy face (you can barely tell she's a mason in this one.)
Four proud generations
Daddy Kyle and Athena. I think he was trying to cheer
her up after a long photo shoot with the family.

Here is a video of Steven at his house on April 19, 2008. It was snowing that day too!